Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The slave I've become

Wondering why I woke up this morning to go into work, I stared to think about all the things I've done in the past that has gotten me to this point. All the frivolous spending has gotten back to me. As a young person, I always had the idea that I would spend now and then when I earned the big salary, I would pay it of quickly. That has not been the case.

I come to realize that I've actually sold my "freedom" to the creditors.

"Freedom: the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without"

Am I really free? Can I really quit my job and not suffer the consequences? I am a slave.

I am a slave to my debt. So now I work. I work those long hours in the field.

Waiting for the day I get emancipated from this slavery, I work. I work for anything that I am given. I do presentations. I do research on stuff that really doesn't matter to me. I sell to people the idea that if you owned this product of mine, your life will be better. But we all know, the more stuff you buy, the tighter those shackles become.

How do I rectify this situation?

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